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Dragon Age Divine Election

sanewshumpha1981 2020. 2. 8. 10:44
  1. Dragon Age Inquisition Divine Election Consequences
  2. Definition Of Divine Election

Hey guys, back again with a sort of sequel to 'The Judgement'This story CAN BE READ WITHOUT HAVING READ THE JUDGEMENT, but some things will not make sense.Even so, it's more about Leliana becoming Divine and her relationship with the Hero of FereldenThe Divine and the LegendBefore the events of TrespasserMore than two months after the events of The Judgement(other fic)The letter sat on her desk, unsealed and read and reread many times over. The letter informing Leliana that her presence was required at Val Royeaux.Leliana stood in the rookery of her Skyhold tower, her place of power in the Inquisition as Spy master. Here where she felt most at home, a place of quiet contemplation and decision making, a strange mix of complex serenity and pressure. Her work was never easy, but she truly believed she was the best person for the job, and admitted that some part of her enjoyed being Spy Master to one of the most powerful organizations in Thedas.However, all of that was going to change.Leliana would be elected as the next Divine.

Feb 6, 2017 - Election of the Divine. Candidates: Leliana,Cassandra and Vivienne (if recruited). The election system works very similarly to the approval. Election of the Divine is done by the College of Clerics upon the death of the lists decisions that affect who is chosen as the Divine in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Can I actually get Leliana to not participate in the whole election or do I fits to my dalish elf inquisitor) and just not let Leliana participate at all. Sep 26, 2016 - The Left Hand of the Divine is triggered after speaking to Leliana in Skyhold late in the game. She'll tell you about a letter she received,.


That news did not surprise her, very little did with her vast network of spies and agents scattered across Thedas, and even among the Chantry. But still, to think that she would have come this far in life.From Orlesian Bard, to ally of the Grey Wardens, to agent of the Chantry, to the Divine's Left Hand, to the Spy Master and adviser for the Inquisition, and now to the Divine herself. All aspects of Leliana's life, a seemingly ever changing stream of strange adventures filled with joys and sorrows.KnockLeliana turned to see two women entering her rookery, and she smiled at their presence.Cassandra the former Seeker, and the Inquisitor herself, Lyanna Trevelyan. The two women strode forward into Leliana's rookery, each offering their congratulations. 'You've been hiding here for hours now; Josephine was all for throwing a party in the main hall but I knew you wouldn't want it.' Lyanna said.' I wasn't hiding' Leliana countered, smirking at the Inquisitor's little tease.'

More like fortified, come now. We know you've been summoned, it's no secret to be guarded among the others. From Left Hand to the Divine herself' Cassandra said, her tone underlined with a bit of envy, but also acceptance.' It is strange; Justina was a woman the likes of whom comes once in an age. I can only hope I live up to her dreams for the future' Leliana said.Leliana and Cassandra, the Left and Right hands of the Divine, they had known Justina like no other, and though their methods were different, they had both strived for Justine and her dream of a more united world. Cassandra had very nearly been elected Divine herself, as too had Vivienne, but here they stood with Leliana emerging the victor.Yet for Cassandra there was no resentment, their years of working together had brought forth a mutual respect.' You are too hard on yourself, I believe you will be fine' Lyanna the Inquisitor said.'

Perhaps, everything is changing. We've had no shortage of change as of late, but this feels different.'

Leliana said, the thought having been on her mind all day.' Whatever happens, know that I stand you' Cassandra said putting a hand on Leliana's shoulder. 'And I, as well as the Inquisition, stand with you' Lyanna said stepping forward and placing a hand on Leliana's shoulder too.Leliana smiled, this moment wouldn't last, but she would treasure it, a moment to remember the bond formed amongst friends. That night, Leliana sent word by raven of her officially leaving the Inquisition and traveling to Val Royeaux.

The three women watched from the tower balcony as the raven flew through the night sky, three friends standing together for whatever change might come in the days to follow.Still, even admit the joy a single thought lingered in the corner of Leliana's mind.A memory of a young man aged before his time, of an elf with curiously grey eyes and a scar on his face.On the outskirts of DenerimThe lone figured, wrapped in an old red traveling cloak that fluttered with the wind, tread up the hill overlooking the city. Coming across the pair of trees atop the hill, both having taken root and grown tall yet one notably taller than the other, he stopped.It had been more than two years since his last visit. Two years since the Hero of Ferelden had visited his family.' Hello mother, hello father' Agron said slowly, his voice low and quiet.He knelt down before the trees, gazing softly at the two simple plaques that had been engraved into the ground, work done by Agron's own hands. A pair of graves.Adaia Tabris, beloved mother, fierce warrior, last of her clan.Cyrion Tabris, beloved father, wise man whom lived life his own way.Agron's parents had not been very traditional, his father had been something of a local businessman and unofficial Alienage Elder, whilst his mother had been the last survivor of a Dalish clan.His parents had met on the road, and somehow they had become friends and then something more. Adaia and Cyrion, they were from two different worlds, and yet they had made each other happy. His mother the warrior, and his father the wise man.His mother had died first, had died when Agron himself was just a boy.

And his father? His father had lived to see his son become a legend before he too had passed away.Agron Tabris, murderer, criminal, Grey Warden, the Hero of Ferelden, former Warden Commander of Amaranthine, slayer of the Archedemon, and savior of the fifth Blight the son of a City Elf and a Dalish Elf.' I know I haven't been around lately. I get called away on business and I lose track of time' Agron said slowly. His voice rough and harder, his parents who would been surprised at how his voice had changed over the years, the voice of an grizzled man aged before his time.He ran a hand through his short cropped hair as the wind blew across his face.'

Knowing you dad, you'd say I just need to make time' Agron said, even as he spoke imagining his old man lecturing him on the importance of family. And knowing mom, she'd have scowled at me for not visiting in two years he thought allowing himself a small smile, something rare for Agron.' I just wish we'd had more time together, things were different after you died mom, and after dad after was he gone, I felt so alone. Like there was a hole in me that would never be filled, that something was gone and it would never come back.

That I was on my own' Agron said his head held low.Life had not been easy for Agron, he'd grown up poor in the Alienage, and he had been only nineteen years old when he was made a Grey Warden. Nineteen, when his would-be-wedding was ruined by the cruelty of men whom believed themselves better than any and all elves. Nineteen when Agron had murdered those men and was very nearly hanged for it. Nineteen when his world was changed forever, when he was saved and made a Warden, trading death for a life of service to a higher cause.His life had not only been filled with bad times, but good times too. Joy, sorrow, these are parts of life that everyone, from the richest King to the poorest elf, must walk.By the time he was twenty, he had saved the world. Nearly ten later, and he'd become a commander, led men and women to their death and to victory, had made friends and allies, had seen them go onto bigger things or else die.

Had restored the Warden's reputation in Ferelden, had helped the Alienage via his friendship and shared comradery with King Alistair.He'd done all these things mostly on his own, a stoic figure whom had became legend, a myth that was particular popular among the other city elves.His life a story told to a new generation of city elves. A story of a man who never broke, a man who knew no fear, a man who always knew what to do. A man as hard as the cruelest winter, as skilled as the greatest Chevalier, and as a man who came from nothing.But contrary to popular belief among the Wardens, the city elves, the commoners, the nobility, and even others whom knew him, Agron did in fact have emotion. He had doubts and nerves as any man had, and though his parents were gone he visited them.A place to lay down his burdens.Doesn't matter how old we get; you never stop wanting someone to tell you that 'everything is going to be alright'. To reassure you, someone who will always know what to do.

Someone to believe in you even when you do not Agron thought.' I've always been a loner, you know that. But Leliana she saw something in me.

Dragon Age Inquisition Divine Election Consequences

She made feel alive, made me smile after you were gone dad. I love her but I' Agron began before looking away from the pair of graves before him.Agron sighed, remembering his father's lessons even after all these years.' You always tried to teach me right and wrong, dad. But my world isn't that simple anymore. I did something, something big and it might have ruined things with Leliana. I did what I did for an old friend, and I can't say if that makes me a good man or not. She knows I love her; knows why I did what I did but what if that's not enough.'

He rose to his feet exhaling slowly.In that moment, he'd have given anything to hear his father's voice, to feel his mother's touch, for someone to tell him what to do. But no, part of growing up is realizing that everything is on you, that some paths you must walk alone.And he was not a young man anymore, he was almost thirty years old and he'd seen enough for several lifetimes.' She's going to become Divine, the chantry will put on a show of it, but they'll choose her. Leliana is the best person for the job.

I don't know what happens now, but I will go to her' Agron said turning to leave.The wind fluttered as he headed for the road again. He'd better hurry, Alistair had told him that the coronation was happening fast.' Goodbye mother, father. Miss you' Agron whispered leaving the graves behind him.Val Royeaux'The votes have been cast, and the decision is unanimous. Let us say our farewells to Leliana of the past, for tomorrow she rises as Divine Victoria!'

There are three candidates:, and (if recruited). The election system works very similarly to the system, but is completely separate from it. The candidates earn or lose points based on your choices throughout the game, and unlike the approval points, these are not indicated in any way to the player. Whoever accumulates the most points wins the election.

If two candidates have the same number of points, Vivienne has a priority over both Cassandra and Leliana, Leliana has a priority over Cassandra. Contents Support war table operation.: Cassandra +10.: Vivienne +10. There is no operation to support Leliana's candidacyMajor choices.

'You're our allies.' ('We would be honored to have you fight as allies at the Inquisition's side.' ) – Offer the rebel mages a full alliance. Leliana +10, Cassandra -5, Vivienne -10. 'You're our prisoners.'

('You will surrender yourselves as prisoners and conscripts of the Inquisition.' ) – Conscript the rebel mages into the service of the Inquisition.

Leliana -10, Cassandra +1, Vivienne +10. 'Rebuild as our partners.' ('Your Order is a symbol that holds the people's respect. That cannot die today.' ) – Ask the templars to join you as free allies.

Leliana +1, Cassandra +10, Vivienne +5. 'Then yield and serve us.' ('There is no time. If the old Order is too broken to stand, then become knights under the Inquisition!' ) – Convince the templars to disband and become part of the Inquisition instead. Leliana +1, Cassandra +5, Vivienne -5Celene dead:. Gaspard and Briala: Leliana +5, Cassandra -5, Vivienne -10.

Gaspard alone: Cassandra +10, Vivienne -1Celene alive:. Public truce between all three: Cassandra +1, Vivienne -5. Gaspard executed: Vivienne +1.

Gaspard spared: Leliana +1, Vivienne +5. 'Help the Inquisition.' ('You stay and do whatever you can to help.' ) – The Grey Wardens help the Inquisition.

They may be vulnerable to corruption. Leliana +5, Cassandra -5, Vivienne -1. 'Get out of Orlais.' ('You leave.' ) – The Wardens are banished from Orlais. They do not help the Inquisition. Leliana +5, Cassandra +5, Vivienne +1Inquisitor speech.

'I'll do it because it's right.' ('This isn't about a greater message. We have an enemy and we have to stand together.'

) Leliana +5. 'I will lead them to vengeance.' ('Vengeance is what I want. For the lives taken, and the lies spoken.'

Definition Of Divine Election

) Leliana +1, Vivienne -5. 'I'll be a servant of faith.' ('I will restore what Corypheus could never destroy. I am but a servant of the Light.' ) Cassandra +5, Vivienne +1.

'A dwarf/elf/Qunari will stand for us all.' ('The Inquisition is for all.' ) Leliana +1, Cassandra -1, Vivienne -1. 'I fight for order, not faith.' ('Our concern must be the order and safety of this world.

Not the next.' ) Cassandra +1, Vivienne -1. 'I'll set an example as a mage.' ('With fear running rampant, they need to see a mage standing for what is right.' ) Leliana +1, Vivienne +5. 'I'll do it for my own power.' ('The Inquisition will be a force to rival any in Thedas.

Dragon age inquisition leliana

) Leliana +5, Cassandra -1Conversations Cassandra Cassandra and Giselle cut-scene after Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts. 'You'd be perfect.'

('I think you'd make an excellent choice.' ) Cassandra +5. 'Maybe the Chantry should end.' ('Perhaps the Chantry needs more than just change.' ) Leliana +1, Cassandra -1Do you want to be Divine?.

'You'd make a good Divine.' ('I think you'd make an excellent choice.' ) Cassandra +5. 'Forget the Chantry.' ('I don't see why you think the Chantry is so worthy of reform.' ) Cassandra -5.

'Perhaps there's another way.' ('There are other ways you can change things.' ) Cassandra -1Leliana After Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts. 'The Chantry preached hate.'

('It was the Chantry that taught people hate and fear.' ) (Follow-up to the Inquisitor saying 'Let the Chantry sink.' ) Leliana +1After What Pride Had Wrought. 'Why does change matter?' ('I don't see why you'd bother.' ) Leliana +1. 'It's a noble goal.'

('It is certainly something worth working for.' ) Leliana +1. 'I'd support you.'

('I think you would make a good Divine.' ) – Support Leliana as the new Divine. Leliana +1. 'The world needs that Chantry.' ('The world could certainly use the force for good you describe.' ) Leliana +1Vivienne Warm approval.

'You hold the Divine to that?' ('If that's your standard for me, what does the Divine have to live up to?'

Vivienne will say 'Andraste and the Maker cast very large shadows.' ) Vivienne +5After In Hushed Whispers/Champions of the Just. 'We need mages in the Chantry.' ('Mages shouldn't be kept out of the Chantry. Who knows the dangers of magic better than a mage?' ) Vivienne +5. 'We need the Circle back.'

('The Circle has to be restored if we want to keep the peace.' ) Vivienne +1Investigate ('Why oppose mage freedom?' - Requires low approval.). 'So teach them not to fear.' ('It will take time, but people can learn not to fear magic.'

) Vivienne +1. 'They deserve what happens.' ('They destroy themselves then, and they deserve it.'

) Vivienne -1After Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts. 'You'd make a good Divine.' ('Actually, I think you fit the criteria perfectly, Vivienne.' ) Vivienne +1.

'I agree.' ('I think Cassandra would be best for the job.' ) Cassandra +1.

'What about Leliana?' ('Leliana might be a better choice than Cassandra, don't you think?' ) Leliana +1. 'I'll make sure they do.'

('A few words to the right people, and we can ensure no one objects to you taking the Sunburst Throne.' ) This option requires the Nobility perk. Vivienne +5Josephine.

(About grand clerics consolidating the Chantry's power instead of comforting the masses) 'It's needed more than ever.' ('The Chantry should be a place of hope, not another group scrambling for answers.' ) Leliana +1, Vivienne +1Mother GiselleAfter In Hushed Whispers/Champions of the Just. 'The Chantry did terribly.' ('It would be difficult for us to do worse.' ) Leliana +1After What Pride Had Wrought.

'I hope so.' ('The Temple of Mythal held knowledge safe for untold centuries. It would be tragic to lose it.' ) Leliana +1Dorian. (About the Chantry being a relic after, 'Are you religious?' Can be found within 'Investigate' after taking, 'The Imperium has a Chantry?' Line of questioning.

Available immediately upon recruiting him.) 'I agree with you.' ('I share your opinion, actually.' ) Leliana +1, Vivienne -1Notes. Players set on becoming their Divine should be aware of following:. The option to actually activate/trigger Leliana as a true candidate doesn't happen until after her personal quest is complete. Her personal quest actually can take place very late in the game compared to her rivals. Take care when talking with Cassandra or Vivienne as you can ruin Leliana's chance very early in the game.


When talking with Vivienne or Cassandra be sure to not select an option that supports them as Divine, try to avoid it or even outright say that you don't support them. There is no war table operation to support Leliana's candidacy, so leave the operations to support or open/uncompleted until the endgame. Your choices with Leliana in her personal quest and throughout the game will in the epilogue. There is a 'compassionate' ending and a 'ruthless' version. Make your conversation choices carefully and save often. While the 'support' operations add significant points, they do not need to be completed in order to make Cassandra or Vivienne Divine.Bugs. Whenever Leliana is supposed to lose 1 or 5 points, she gains them instead (for example, when banishing the Wardens).

Sometimes the wrong candidate is chosen, it is unclear what causes this.